Code of Conduct and Diversity Statement
Pierre Neidhardt
2018-05-13 08:08:03 UTC
From: https://www.recurse.com/blog/83-michael-nielsen-joins-the-recurse-center-to-help-build-a-research-lab
To give some flavor for the types of work we’re excited by, here’s a
small sampling of things that inspire us: [...] Systems Software
Research is Irrelevant[1] [...]
I've read this paper (it's rather short) and as the title suggests, it
arguments over why there won't be anything new in research and that Unix
is "good enough".

This was 2000 and maybe there was nothing better, but in my opinion it
does not make those statements any less fallacious: Unix had issues
(people have written entire books[2] about it) and claiming to know to
where research is going to end is somewhat arrogant, isn't it?

And see, in 2008 Eelco Dolstra publishes the seminal paper "NixOS: A
Purely Functional Linux Distribution"[3], which proved Rob Pike awfully

Anyways, saying all that because while Recurse looks great, it's sad
that their research initiative doesn't seem to believe in NixOS / GuixSD
:( Or did I get it wrong?

[1]: http://doc.cat-v.org/bell_labs/utah2000/utah2000.html

[2]: http://web.mit.edu/%7Esimsong/www/ugh.pdf

[3]: https://nixos.org/~eelco/pubs/nixos-icfp2008-final.pdf

Pierre Neidhardt

What one fool can do, another can.
-- Ancient Simian Proverb
2018-05-13 12:47:12 UTC

Here is a bunch of curated links on the topic from what I've found the last
week or so with binge-reading/research. I'm adding short descriptions to some
were the link itself is not explanatory. Trying to put them in order of "value
for time" and usefulness for us, as a free software community.

An outstanding resource, that unfortunately requires physical presence, is
the ally skills workshops, if you ever have the chance - take it.

Some of these articles will contain more or less explicit retellings or
examples of Bad-Behaviour(TM). These articles are marked with '#TW#', and most
(if not all) have a warning from the author before the text itself.


See also the sections 'struggling' and 'mental health'.



#TW# https://hypatia.ca/2016/06/21/no-more-rock-stars/
How to not have "rock stars" with too much social influence in a group. But
also has loads of general guidelines for making safer spaces.

On speaking out and safety for those thinking about speaking out.



#TW# https://hypatia.ca/2014/08/05/what-you-can-do/

#TW# http://pervocracy.blogspot.com.es/2012/06/missing-stair.html
Something to watch out for. Explanation of a term.

The geekfeminism wiki is a great resource for topics generally in the area of
inclusion, diversity and harrasment. These are specifically on code of
conduct and similar.

First of these two is a response far into one of the subthreads by user
graydon2 (from other responses seems like a previous core maintainer or
similar of rust). This discussion brings the gray very well into the


At this point we are getting into specific cases, more details, and more work
necessary for analysis and understanding.


#TW# https://blog.patternsinthevoid.net/the-forest-for-the-trees.html

#TW# https://hypatia.ca/2016/06/07/he-said-they-said/
Nils Gillmann
2018-05-13 07:35:41 UTC
should we make the CoC more prominent or
inform about it better? For example by putting it or a link to it in
the topic
of the IRC channel, as it's own page on the website, if possible as
part of
the welcome message to the mailing lists, others?
Yes I think so. I like you proposals. I knew we had one and found it via the manual.
A second question is, the contributor covenant has evolved, should we
ours from 1.3.0 to the current
This community does not really have any maintainers or formal leadership to my knowledge.
How to handle reporting in our case could be handled by here by vote appointing a person to handle such issues (for example as a mediator like in https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Conflict_Resolution)
Here's another group working on "Guidelines for Moderators of Coexistence".
Their document is well-written and now translated in 3 languages:

Would like to say that this is probably the best informatics community
been part of and the reason I'm bringing it up is to make a statement
that we
care, and to make it easier for outsiders and potential participants to
that this is in fact part of our backbone. I'm so often positively
by the quality of communication here.
I agree. Conflicts here seem rare and to my knowledge well handled when they do.
Chris Marusich
2018-05-13 20:29:56 UTC
This community does not really have any maintainers or formal
leadership to my knowledge.
How to handle reporting in our case could be handled by here by vote
appointing a person to handle such issues (for example as a mediator
like in https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Conflict_Resolution)
GNU Guix does have some maintainers. Currently, they are Ludovic
CourtÚs and Ricardo Wurmus. This is mentioned here:

Ludovic Courtès
2018-05-13 21:50:10 UTC
Should we make the CoC more prominent or somehow inform about it
better? For example by putting it or a link to it in the topic of the
IRC channel, as it's own page on the website, if possible as part of
the welcome message to the mailing lists, others?
I think those are good ideas. I'd be curious to hear what Ludo and
Ricardo think.
We mention the Code of Conduct in the manual (see: "(guix)
Contributing"). However, you're right that it seems we don't
prominently mention it on the website.
Sure, perhaps we should mention it at the top of
<https://www.gnu.org/software/guix/contribute/> and/or link to
While we wait for Ludo and Ricardo to reply, perhaps you could submit a
patch that implements the changes you're suggesting?
That’d be great!
A second question is, the contributor covenant has evolved, should we upgrade
ours from 1.3.0 to the current
To help people understand what has changed going from 1.3.0 to 1.4, here
wdiff -n -w $'\033[30;41m' -x $'\033[0m' -y $'\033[30;42m' -z $'\033[0m' \
<(curl https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/3/0/code-of-conduct.txt) \
<(curl https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.txt) \
| less -R
As I see it, the new version is more clearly structured, clarifies the
wording in some places, and introduces a distinction between “project
team” and “project maintainers”. Perhaps we’d need to clarify what the
“project team” is in our case (?).

Apart from this, I think 1.4 follows the spirit of 1.3.0 and its
clarifications are welcome, so I’d be in favor of “upgrading”.

What do people think?

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Tonton!

Kei Kebreau
2018-05-14 00:21:19 UTC
Post by Ludovic Courtès
As I see it, the new version is more clearly structured, clarifies the
wording in some places, and introduces a distinction between “project
team” and “project maintainers”. Perhaps we’d need to clarify what the
“project team” is in our case (?).
Apart from this, I think 1.4 follows the spirit of 1.3.0 and its
clarifications are welcome, so I’d be in favor of “upgrading”.
What do people think?
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Tonton!
I'm also in favor of the move to version 1.4.
Clément Lassieur
2018-05-14 08:25:09 UTC

Ludovic Courtès <***@gnu.org> writes:

Post by Ludovic Courtès
Apart from this, I think 1.4 follows the spirit of 1.3.0 and its
clarifications are welcome, so I’d be in favor of “upgrading”.
What do people think?
I like the 1.4 version because it adds those positive examples of
behavior, and because the examples in the first paragraph are alpha
sorted (age, body size...).


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